Yesterday I added greenish moss and growing things to the stone. I got a little carried away and ended up removing about 2/3 of the moss. That much moss (it was a lot!) just didn't "read" right to me in this context. Sometimes less is more, I guess. In this case, I think the huge amounts of moss detracted from the sculpture and added too much warmth and interest to the background. Removing most of it did the trick of softening the stone a little and bringing a little life into the background.
I also toned down and cooled some of the brights in the sculpture. They were a little too bright and competed with the Jaguar for interest. On the Jaguar, I adjusted the light source a little, darkening, and in places cooling, more of the animal's left side and adding some purple reflected light.
Today I spent time pulling everything together - putting green and purple reflected light on the Jaguar since it will definitely be picking up the colors of its surroundings. The green is subtle but I felt it did its job of tying the animal a little closer to the background.
I added some glazes of warmth to the sculpture - oranges and browns - to repeat some of the warm tones that are in the Jaguar.
I also toned down some of the green moss by glazing over it with a muted red.
"God of the Night Sun" Oil on textured panel, 24"x30"
Time for me to move on to other paintings for now...
All text and pictures copyright Nancy Rynes, 2013. You may link to this site, but please do not copy anything from it without my written permission.